Monday, April 16, 2012

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

As the semester begins to come to a close, I keep getting more and more excited for June.  In June, not only does my awesome summer job start, my sister graduates from high school, and my family is all on summer vacation, but I am going on a CRUISE!  The cruise is 10 days long and we are going from Florida to Mexico and Belize.  I have never been out of the country, not even to Canada, and I am extremely excited.  My whole family is going, which I talked about in my first blog, so there will be a lot of people on the trip, and I expect it to be the best time ever.  It has been one of my dreams to travel the world and starting with a cruise I think may be my most ideal way to start.

My mother and stepdad surprised my siblings and I on christmas day, after they have already gotten us everything we had asked for.  We all screamed and were jumping around like those children that you see on TV when their parents tell them they are going to Disney or something.  We were all so excited and my younger sister and I still to this day can not stop talking about the cruise and what we are going to do on it.  I am a little nervous though because as I have said I have never been out of the country, and I have never been on a cruise.  Going to a different country for the first time will be a little strange for me, I am sure, but I am so extremely excited to be out of what is normal for me and forced into a place that I know nothing, or very little about.  I can't wait to go and I am sure I will make a million memories with my family that will last forever, but no matter what I am always anxious about the unknown.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your cruise sounds like a lot of fun! Last summer I went on my first cruise to Bermuda. We left from Boston, and it was an amazing experience. I want to go again so bad! That's cute that your parents surprised you on Christmas. My parents did that once. They had 3 envalopes, one for both of my brothers and then for me. They had us write one thing that we really wanted for Christmas (this was the day before). I remember writing down that I wanted tickets to a nascar race. But when we opened the envalopes, they had our tickets to Florida. We ended up going to Disney, Seaworld, the nascar race I wanted to go to, and we went on an amazing boat ride in the everglades. It was the best surprise ever!
